PMP340: Prioritizing Work with Dr. Scott Beck

Will Parker and guest Dr. Scott Beck discuss ways to prioritize work and transitions in leadership roles in this week's episode of PMP.

Dr. Scott Beck is an educator with 24 years of experience as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, head high school principal, central office administrator, and adjunct professor at the University of Oklahoma. He became a proud National Board certified social studies teacher in 2008 and was selected as the 2019 Oklahoma Secondary Principal of the Year.

Scott currently serves in the capacity of Employee Engagement Officer for the Department of Commerce in the Chickasaw Nation and continues to teach principal preparation courses for aspiring leaders as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Oklahoma.

Questions we explore:

As a former principal of the year, what were some of the experiences you were most proud of from your work with students and teachers?

I’ve been doing a series of interviews on transition in education. What ideas do you consider when you’ve transitioned in positions of leadership?

As you work in a new industry, what similarities and differences do you have in your leadership tasks/responsibilities?

Can you share how prioritizing tasks in work have helped you and others stay focused on what matters?

Other takeaways:

  • Learn about the partnership Norman High has had with the Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing
  • Why someone who is not inspired cannot inspire others
  • Essential questions in work: Am I still growing? Do I have the energy for this time and place? Do I know myself? Do I know my vision? How is my work connected to those values?
  • Intentionality is critically important to outcomes.
  • Scott shared the following takeaways from John Maxwell’s work:
  1. Organize or agonize
  2. Prioritizing Work
  3. “A life in which anything goes will ultimately be a life in which nothing goes.” – John Maxwell
High Importance / High Urgency
Tackle these projects first.
High Importance / Low Urgency
Set deadlines for completion and get these projects worked into your daily routine.
Low Importance / High Urgency
Find quick, efficient ways to get this work done without much personal involvement. If possible, delegate it to a “can do” assistant.
Low Importance / Low Urgency
This is busy repetitious work such as filing. Stack it up and do it in one-half hour segments every week; get somebody else to do it; or don’t do it at all. Before putting off until tomorrow something you can do today, study it clearly. Maybe you can postpone it indefinitely.
(Taken from Developing the Leader Within You, John Maxwell)

Stay connected with Scott Beck via his LinkedIn page

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker